Alabaster Jar | Nepalese Christian Song | Tufan | Neha Moktan Chettri | SNF MUSIC MINISTRY

Alabaster Jar | Nepalese Christian Song | Tufan | Neha Moktan Chettri | SNF MUSIC MINISTRY

SELFLESS, NAMELESS AND FACELESS MUSIC MINISTRY PRESENTS; ALABASTER JAR … Written & Composed by TUFAN Vocal : NEHA MOKTAN CHHETRI ( PUNARJIWIT MANDALI, SAURAHA) Music Arranger : Rikesh Gurung ‘Keys’ Video Concept/Makeup/Custom and Design : Manita Gurung Kunwar FILMED BY EVAN KUNWAR RANA – KAIROS FEATURING : MonaLiza GAUTAM Video Sponsored by SYDNEY NEPALESE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA *************************************************** मन भरी आँशु लिएर पोखिन आए सप्तरङ्गी सपना छोडेर तपाईसंग आए मेरो खुशीहरू चाहनाहरू मेरा सपनाहरू – दिलाशाहरू अलाबस्तार जार x ४ आफै संग भागेर हिडे, बिझाउने काँडा बनेर जिए मेरो खोजाईको अन्त्य तपाई, मेरो यात्राको गन्तब्य तपाई थोपा थोपा आशा बटुली तपाईलाई छुनु आए आफैलाई आज भुलेर रुनु आए मेरो आँशुहरू – बेदनाहरू, मेरो चोटहरू- दुखाईहरू अलाबस्तार जार x ४ तपाई संगै जिउने रहरमा आए तपाईंको पाईलो पछ्याउदै आए मेरो एउटै साहारा तपाई, मेरो जिउने कारण तपाई टुक्रा-टुक्रा मनलाई सम्हाली तपाईको पाँउमा आए भताभुंगै जिबन लिएर तपाईलाई चुम्नु आए मेरो नांगोपन – पापहरू, मेरो एक्लोपन- उदासिहरू अलाबस्तार जार x ४ – तुफान २४ / ०४ / २०२२ A song by Selfless, Nameless and Faceless Music Ministry. Alabaster Jar is a inspired song from Luke chapter 7 verse 37 and 38. “त्‍यस सहरमा एउटी पापी स्‍त्री थिई। फरिसीको घरमा येशू खान बस्‍नुभएको छ भन्‍ने सुनेर, र एउटा सिङ्गमरमरको शीशीमा अत्तर लिएर त्‍यो त्‍यहाँ आई, र पछिल्‍तिरबाट उहाँका पाउनेर उभिएर, रुँदै उहाँका पाउ आँसुले भिजाउन लागी, र आफ्‍नो शिरका कपालले पुछ्‌दै उहाँका पाउलाई चुम्‍बन गरी, र त्‍यो अत्तर घस्‍न लागी।” ‭‭- लूका‬ ‭ ७‬:‭३७‬-‭३८‬ ‭ “A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” ‭‭- Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭37‬-‭38‬ ‭NIV‬‬ In that day I will restore the fallen tent of David. I will repair its gaps, restore its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old. – Amos 9:11 SNF MUSIC MINISTRY is here to encourage worshippers of Christ. We’re here to help and support to excel their gifts to glorify our father in heaven. If you are a singer, songwriter, composer or musician and need some help support to produce your own song then please feel free to contact us, we will help you out. We will produce your song for free. If you want you can upload it on your own YouTube channel like we do. If you want to know more about us please contact us in following details. Email : Phone /WhatsApp/ Viber : +61404071705